"With the prism glasses, I’m able to concentrate more. I don’t need to take breaks as often and I don’t need Ritalin anymore" - Jordan

Meet Jordan.

Being a teenager is hard enough, seeing clearly shouldn’t be another thing to worry about. Jordan is just like any other kid navigating school, social life, sports, and everything in between. However, little did he know that his eyes were making him feel like an outsider. 

Jordan was experiencing trouble focusing on his homework and staying alert during class. Constant fatigue left him putting his head down to rest — and therefore missing classroom instruction. He ran into the same problem with after school homework: the focus just wasn’t there. When trying to do his homework, switching between his computer and books made it an uphill battle finishing assignments — and often ate up the majority of his night, which is the last thing a teenager wants to be doing.

Due to his symptoms a prescription for Ritalin made sense, until he and his mom learned where his symptoms were really coming from. He’d take this pill every afternoon to stay alert. But since ADHD wasn’t the true cause of Jordan’s struggles, it was only treating his symptoms, rather than the root cause -  subtle vision misalignment.

As an active student, Jordan participated in group sports like basketball. However, his lack of depth perception made it difficult to tell where the ball was. Jordan would often flinch when his teammates would pass the ball. But he didn’t know that his vision was also the culprit here, negatively impacting his physical activities and participation, in addition to his classroom abilities.

All of the sensory overstimulation caused by subtle vision misalignment caused Jordan to feel anxious in large social groups. As a result, Jordan was never confident looking around for fear that he was accidentally staring at someone. 

But that all changed once he visited his NeuroVisual Specialist, Dr. MaryJoe, who fitted him with his first pair of microprism glasses.

With the proper Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) diagnosis and prescription, Jordan is a new student, player, and person. His microprism glasses have enabled him to focus and get through his work without needing to take any Ritalin.  The anxiety he experienced in large crowds disappeared. Now, Jorden can confidently identify people in a group setting and no longer feels insecurity with glancing around a room. 

"With the glasses, I'm able to look around and take in information really quickly."

Jordan's improved spatial awareness and depth perception has eliminated his previous anxiety and has helped him move about the world with confidence and improved self-esteem.


Unfortunately, Jordan’s story isn't a one-off. Millions of children and youth are regularly diagnosed with attention disorders and prescribed medications to treat the symptoms. However, BVD symptoms like anxiety, trouble reading, and difficulty paying attention are easily mistaken for disorders such as Dyslexia and ADHD.  If you're not yet screening and treating your young patients (and older patients, too) for BVD symptoms, now is the time to begin.

Learn how to successfully screen for post-concussion BVD in your patients with the BVDQ™.  Click here to learn more.